Chester Green (Derby) Practica

The Green Tea Practica has now changed its name to Chester Green (Derby) Practica” .  Cidinha and Njaal have passed on the mantel to Nas and I so we have changed the name of this regular event.

We are still at the same venue (Chester Green Community Centre) and the practica will continue to be held on the first and third Sunday of each month, but with a  new start time from January 2016 – 4.00 to 7.00 pm.  So nothing has really changed.

Chester Gtreen Practica
Chester Green Practica

We plan to arrange occasional workshops for people who support the practica, but we’ll let you know more about this soon so watch the website at Derby Tango or the Face Book group Tango in Derby or page, Derby Tango.

The first practica under the new name will be held on 1 November when we have a guest who has offered to provide the music; this will be a great change for everyone.

There will also be a surprise for you but we’ll let you know more about this very soon……………

Nas and I look forward to the first practica under the new name on Sunday, 1 November – see you all there x

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